About Neutrix Cloud
INFINIDAT’s Neutrix Cloud started in the U.S., has launched in Japan as a new company, Neutrix Cloud Japan Corporation.
Neutrix Cloud Japan will provide a comprehensive range of cloud services, including compute and networking, in addition to the Neutrix Cloud storage service.

Cloud Connected Storage
Each “cloud connected storage” is capable to scale significantly to the petabyte level, enables multi-cloud, and off
ering the lowest cost while delivering superior performance and reliability.

Achieve unified cloud storage on Neutrix Cloud, deliver and compute data from each public cloud.
A sound economic choice.
Neutrix Cloud allows you to have the public clouds compete for your compute workloads, without having to worry about which cloud your data is locked into. You can leverage spot pricing for app instances across clouds without moving your data. Reduce costly egress fees and synchronization challenges when using the same data in multiple clouds.
Enterprise Cloud Storage, Cloud-Connected Storage, and Storage are offered at ¥10/GB/month, Neutrix Cloud is a sound economic choice.
Cloud Infrastructure (compute, network, storage)
Neutrix Cloud Japan will offer services for Cloud-Connected Storage and Cloud Infrastructure for computing, networking, and storage.
High-speed, high-performance INFINIDAT storage enables you to use the cloud while maintaining your data sovereignty. Neutrix Cloud completes your cloud services without the need for a public cloud.
As a new cloud service, Neutrix Cloud enables the use of AI data and other data analytics by accumulating vast amounts of data.
Service Portfolio
Neutrix Cloud Japan’s services are described at the comprehensive service portfolio.
On remote locations connected by large networks, we provide variety of cloud services including AI platforms, IaaS, PaaS, and cloud computing, on a fully Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI) with INFINIDAT storage as the axis.
Our goal is to grow as a cloud platform that seamlessly connect public clouds and provide a multi-cloud experience whole maintaining customer data sovereignty.
Neutrix Cloud Japan’s future planned services will be listed in this service portfolio.

Cloud Service
Neutrix Cloud Japan offers 12 different cloud services based on comprehensive service portfolio.
Our cloud services are designed to be as easy to use, compatible with customer’s private cloud deployment and enables seamless integration. Cloud operations are possible through user portals and managed cloud, with 24/7 IT managed support provided free of charge.
* available soon: GPU compute, on-premises (cloud services), OEM (cloud services)